How Patience Can Be Your Secret Weapon
Imagine you’re in the middle of an argument with your partner about an annoying habit they have that you’ve already told them about a number of times. You’re fuming because maybe you hate repeating yourself or feel like they don’t care about your concerns. As you wait for them to come home or show up for a date all the things you want to scream at them flood your mind. Each thought makes me even angrier. There’s a small part of your mind that tells you to calm down and really get to why you’re upset. You might ignore it and proceed to lay into your partner when you see them. While you tell them about themselves for indulging in the dumb habit, you notice their body tense but their eyes gloss over. They aren’t really hearing you. They just want you to shut up.
The Truth About Living Together
There are millions of little revelations you'll have after moving in. But because no one has time for that, here's 5 truths rarely anyone tells you about what happens after you get the keys to your new shared home.
5 Discoveries After a Challenge
So during my down time I was scrolling through Pinterest (go ahead and follow me there!) and found a 31 day self love challenge by I love a goal oriented challenge so joined in.
24 Lessons for 24 Years
I'm not about to assume y'all know me so I'll just tell you what today is. Today is my birthday. As the title gives away, yes I am 24. I've made a lot of decisions, met a lot of people and spent a lot of time learning about this here life I have. Now it's time to sit down at this desk and give you all some golden nuggets I've picked up on the way.