The Ill Feminist

I'm sick of the men in their feelings and not knowing how harmful and/or annoying they are with them.

I'm sick of the men who stalk around you waiting for an opening to chastise.

I'm sick of the men who place everyone in boxes but can't see the one they fit in.

I'm sick of the men who refuse to see their privileges but insist that using feminine wiles should and do get women further in life.

I'm sick of the men who don't check their own.

I'm sick of the men who don't live their truth but fault others for doing the same.

I'm sick of the men that choose not to expound upon any thoughts but require you to help them understand.

I'm sick of the men who underestimate all things that don't mirror them.

I'm sick of the men who think throwing out scraps is being generous.

I'm sick of the men who tune out when they hear the word feminist.

I'm sick of the men who see you exposed and decide to stab you because you showed weakness.

I'm sick of men who don't see the beauty and strength in admitting how human you are.

I'm sick of this rant still being true.





Lover. Creator. Freelancer. Wellness enthusiast. Non-Monogamous Gxddess.

You can find me @thelovegxddess everywhere

The Unopened Eviction Notice


Hi, My Name Is Ghost