Dear White Women In Public Places

Let me clear up some misconceptions you may have when you encounter me encroaching on your comfort zones. Yes my hair naturally defies gravity with the right products and placement of Bobby pins. No I am not an animal you need to continue to stare at in a metro car. Yes my skin really is glowing. No, I am not impressed by yours. Yes black women go to Starbucks too. No, unfortunately this is not a watermelon flavored drink. Yes my headphones are cancelling out everything around me. No that is not Young Jeezy flooding my ears; it's electronica. Yes my curves don't match yours. No I am not ashamed.

Is that why you're staring at me? Hoping that your disapproving looks will help me develop shame? Am I out of my place?

Sadly for you, I don't know how to care about your idea of where I am supposed to be. I am here. Women like me will be here.

Sincerely, A brown goddess trying to get home


Lover. Creator. Freelancer. Wellness enthusiast. Non-Monogamous Gxddess.

You can find me @thelovegxddess everywhere

Snickers and Oatmeal

